There really should be many more pictures of these days and that there are not I apologize.
We settled in to a nice slowly paced routine over these weeks. We would wake, eat a simple breakfast (toast, oatmeal, or eggs with a fruit shake usually pineapple or papaya since mangos have been late coming back into season) and then some math lessons on the computer. After this we usually found ourselves, more often than not with Isue's kids in tow, on our way to the river where the kids spent more and more time trying to catch the little river fish and less and less time actually in the water except for Jimena who loves the water and doesn't care too much for fishing until we are trying to round everyone up to leave. We then come home prepare a snack or early dinner and then fight to see who gets to use the computers. We still had a netbook at this point one that we bought after both Caroline and Jana left taking their computers with them.
The family-less holidays really took a toll on Laurie and she booked herself and Sidne plane tickets back to Portland for the end of January. It wasn't that I didn't miss everyone too but the thought of spending and extra thousand dollars for two more tickets against getting to spend some really good Father/Son alone time and the decision was an easy one.
We spent a night in San Jose the night before Laurie and Sidne left and dropped them off at the airport very early the next morning. Leif was extremely bummed by this and wanted to change plans and just go home to wait by the computer so we could SKYPE them when they arrived. Very sweet but very boring and potentially emotionally painful too. Instead we kept to the agenda and dropped the car off at the mechanics for a minor valve replacement (the machanic kept telling me it wasn't necessary but I had done some research and thought it best for the car and the environment if I had the work done). While the car was being worked on Leif and I went to the bank and then to Micky D's for a coffee and a soft drink. We picked up the car (they cleaned the valve but didn't replace it thinking that would suffice) and headed out for Orosi, the location of our first week in Costa Rica and the home of Leif's friend Andres and my mom's friends Debbie and Gary. We spent a nice day visiting, going to the pool to swim and play a bit of hoops, and then eating a very nice meal with Flor, Rudolfo and Andres. We left fairly early as we wanted to be home: Leif to talk to his mom and sister and I so I wouldn't be driving in the dark. It was a good thing we start out earlier than planned as we spent a good 45 minutes driving through seemingly every neighborhood of San Jose trying to find our way through. I still have no knowledge of where we were even after looking at a map. It was also on the drive home that the check engine light came back on meaning some day I will have to actually get the valve replaced.
The next few days we spent around the house with Natan spending a couple of nights with us doing the usual routine. We added in building a portable chicken coop for variety. Leif spent Sunday with Isue's family as I had a soccer tournament and he would and did have more fun with them than sitting on the sidelines, bored, watching his old man getting to enjoy himself runnnign around the field.
On Thursday we spent the day alone and headed for the beach at Jaco. We had an awesome time as the waves were calm and the water was nice. We played in the surf for a good three hours before heading into town for a bite to eat. We ate at Subway and then got a fruit shake at the Taco Bar so everyone was happy. While we were at the beach Leif spent some time on the shore looking for crabs while I swam out beyond the break. The scene was picturesque as I was floating at sea when out of the corner of my eye I saw a pelican swoop down toward me getting about 10-15 feet directly above me before realizing I probably wasn't going to fit in its bill no matter how large it may have been. It was quite spectacular especially since I didn't have time to get scared.
The next day, Leif and I joined Karoy and his three charges for a drive on the new freeway to San Jose on our way to the National Park of Diversions (the country's amusement park). the new freeway is AWESOME! It is fairly flat and fairly straight and I have no fears of driving on it in the dark which I ended up doing later that day as we got very behind schedule. before actually arriving at the park we had an errand to run for Karoy's work. Any errand you run with Karoy invariably ends up taking, at no fault to Karoy, three to four times longer than it should. We spent the best part of an hour playing in a parking lot as he waited for some company to load him up with some bags of their product. The transaction could have literally be done in five minutes. Anyway, we made our way to the amusement park and met Wagner a good friend of Karoy's and Wagner's wife and daughter. Karoy had to work but he didn't want me to have to be in charge of four kids all be myself. It was a great idea and I welcomed all the help they provided. Laurie and I had met Wagner previously and he seemed like a very nice guy. He proved this estimation true throughout the day. We did all the things you do in an amusement park: wait in lines, buy cheaply made crap, eat unheathly crap wait in more lines, go on a few rides some of which are great others that aren't so great, and then end up losing half of your group at the end of the day and even though you have made contingency plans to meet at a certain location in case that happens, no one has the patience to see them through ending up with both parties stating they were at that location waiting for the other. Besides the soccer game I was going to miss before we got lost, there was no real rush, so getting lost kind of added to the day's adventure.
The day of Laurie and Sidne's re-arrival into Costa Rica, Leif and I spent cleaning house driving into town. We again got lost trying out a new exit off the new highway but after asking a few people found our way. If we had gone the old way we would have made better time. We found the pet store Karoy gave us crude directions to having asked just one person and we were just two blocks away from where we asked (we actually asked someone at the store we stopped at much earlier but since I souldn't pronounce cemetary correctly to Leif's amusement we flustered the clerk and she ended up being no help and we disregarded her information entirely.
We bought a very inexpensive and as it turns out cheap aquarium, filter and rocks at the pet store then headed back to get a bite to eat. We finally made it to the hotel with enough time to swim for an hour or so even thought it had cooled down more than we would have preferred.
We picked up Laurie and Sidne, a truly wonderful moment in Leif's brief life, and headed back to the hotel for take in pizza from Papa John's better than any Costa Rica pizza we have had but not up to snuff with the nearby Pizza Hut we thought we were ordering.
The next day we went to pick up our computer from PriceSmart begrudgingly. We had some intermittent problems with it and tried to return it but they said the best they could do was to have a service tech take a look at it and if something was wrong replace it with another. From what we have heard, it is very difficult to get your money back once it has left your hand. Anyway, they called to say nothing wrong could be found and it was ready to be picked up so we went with feelings of disappointment to collect it or maybe at best to see if we could at least change it for a new one as per their written exchange policy. When we got there I noticed that they were not displaying that particular computer anymore so any hopes of a change seemed out the window. However they apparently could not find our computer anywhere and there clerk embarrassingly asked if she could offer us a refund of our money. After thinking about it for about 0.00004 microseconds we thought that would be okay. Lucky us. What we think actually happened is that in a serendipitous turn of events, they misplaced the computer when the day before Karoy went in for us to pick it up and they retrieved it from the claims area in the back of the store and almost gave it to him until they saw it was Laurie who had signed for it. Instead they set it behind the customer service counter where it probably sits to this day.
The ride home on the new highway was definitely more enjoyable because of this turn of events, as well as because we learned the correct route to and from the highway to the airport but most importantly we were all together again.